Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Soda Flowers

Earlier last week I went grocery shopping and purchased those delicious cream sodas that come in the glass bottles....no, I couldn't resist...

Several days later, after Karlton and guzzled them down (mmm!), I had them piled up in the recycling bin ready for trash day when I decided to pull them out last minute:)...I promise I'm not a hoarder! I just happened to remember a post that I had read from a blog that I absolutely love. I went ahead and did the same thing to my bottles that they did with their bottles, but I put a little twist to them...er, a sand twist in this case:) Take look at their post that inspired me by clicking here.

After rinsing and drying out the bottles with a bottle cleaner I filled them up with sand ($3 from walmart!) and put a flower in each of them (also $3 from WM!)---they are artificial but I think fresh flowers look (and smell) much better! Korey fell asleep...I think this project bored him.

The finished look! (I apologize for the terrible lighting!)

I love my new coffee table centerpiece...now our wedding album has company!

What centerpiece does your coffee table have?


  1. I LOVE IT!!! You sure are creative :) I too hope to become a stay at home mom one day and if I do I will enjoy creating art in my own home :) Great job & I LOVE your center table!!

  2. Great job! Don't you just love being able to sit back and look at something you did yourself? it just adds something extra to the way you look at the things in your home. They have more meaning, you know?

    And as for the "what centerpieces do I have on my table" question.... my child is super curious, super rambuntious and 2... my coffee tables have found new homes in the garage...LOL! Now I am trying to find soft cushy storage ottomans to dub as coffee tables.



  3. GAH! I love it! Ahhh you are so creative!

  4. I stumbled upon your blog via Young House Love and was excited to see that you're from Arizona also!

    I love your new centerpiece and that clock table is super cute too!
