We had such a great weekend with our San Diego besties! They drove in on Friday night and we wasted NO time...we ordered a pizza and turned on the recorded epi of The Office...yes, we love each other so much that we actually waited 24 hours after it aired just so that we can watch it together;) The last time we saw them was at Christmas time which was a lengthy 2 months ago! It was crazy to see little Sophia crawling and pulling up on objects to stand! Two months ago, she was just learning how to sit...and the same goes for Korey. Two months ago, he couldn't even hold an object for no more than 3 seconds at a time and was no where near sitting up unsupported. Today he is a pro at both of those milestones:) Oh, how fast our babies are growing.
The next morning, we woke up to Karlton making us all breakfast! What a treat! Then we hit up Target, Starbucks, and made our way to the Phoenix Zoo. Korey slept for the first 2 hours and finally joined the party just an hour and a half before we left:) My goodness, this boy can sleep through anything!
After a quick lunch break for the kiddos, we went to check out the lions, tigers (no bears), and giraffes and finally headed out after walking for a total of 4 hours.
We stopped by at the Arizona Mills Mall and had dinner (with our very hyper babies) and couldn't help but laugh at our new lives! Wow, to think, a little over a year ago we had no children and here we were eating with one hand and holding our babies in the other. Gotta love the new little excitements in our lives though:) I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Sunday came and went way too fast. We went to church and came home to cook a tasty southern meal, watched a movie, talked the nnight away and called it a night. Then came Monday...
So, here I am, enjoying my stay at home mommy time with my boy. I cannot wait to see them again. Next trip--San Diego!
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